“he & she” might seem like just another 50 shades of gray copycat trying to …

June 10, 2016 by Simón Gómez on Amazon | 5.0 out of 5 stars
At first glance, specially because of it’s cover, “he & she” might seem like just another 50 shades of gray copycat trying to milk the cow of success it had, but once you get on to read it, it makes you swallow that first impression whole. Wayne Clark did an amazing job with his book, it’s deep and really engaging, and it touches subjects that not a lot of authors dare to touch.
He & she is an exploration of human relationships, how even the most lonely people have the urge to make connections even if it is in an unconventional or even socially frowned-upon way. It is sexual, yes, but not vulgar, it subtly seduces the reader entangling them in a world of unexplored pleasure beyond what one expects.
I was greatly surprised by this novel, could hardly put it down. Recommended for everyone who wants to challenge themselves to read something really new.
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